Scotland 1841 bonus for subscribers!
10th June 2006
In a surprise move has added a full transcription of the Scotland 1841 Census to its site, and is making it available to existing subscribers with no extra charge. For copyright reasons images of the handwritten census pages are not available.
For a free 14-day trial of, including all 7 England & Wales censuses from 1841-1901 click the link below, or else click the Ancestry logo on our home page.
Please note that to participate in the free trial you will be required to provide your credit card details, and you will be billed for the Annual subscription at the end of the 14 day period. But at any time during the 14 day trial you can cancel by phoning 0800 404 9723 (which is a free number if you're calling from a British landline). If you cancel, your card will NOT be charged, no matter how much searching you've done during the trial.
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