25 December 2011
Christmas Bonus!
The Queen's Speech - now on Kindle!
How accurate is the census?
Missing from the census?
How to search the census by birthplace
Last 1911 Census secrets to be exposed
EXCLUSIVE OFFER: All findmypast subscriptions under £99
GRO redundancies shock
Alternatives to BMD certificates
How to find MORE cousins
The gift that keeps on giving
Peter's Tips
13 December 2011
BMD certificate prices fiasco
Topsy-turvy logic at the General Register Office
Why does it matter?
Ancestry pass halfway point of 1911 census
Findmypast adds 1861 Scotland census
Welcome to Society of Genealogists members
Adopt a grave?
Saluting the soldiers of the Great War
Lateral thinking leads to missing birth registration
Locating London's Past maps free data
Poll books now online at the SoG
Last chance to save on SoG membership
Is happiness in your DNA?
$10m prize seeks clue to longevity
The history of postcards
Jam competition results
FFHS competition ends soon
19 November 2011
Should there be a LostCousins forum?
FamilySearch admit records are missing
ACT NOW - offers end Monday 21st!
All findmypast subscriptions under £99
Historic films free at British Pathé site
British Library newspapers in beta test
Plymouth & West Devon records close to launch?
Temporary closure of archives
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Another coincidence
Patently better
GRO update reveals little
Do you recognise any of these soldiers?
Key family history sites affected by bereavement
PayPal problems solved
Save 20% on old photos from the Francis Frith Collection
10 November 2011
FREE Great War records at Ancestry.co.uk
Badges of Honour
FREE Canadian military records at Ancestry.ca
Military records at findmypast
Lowest ever subscriptions at findmypast
They really were free!
GRO certificate prices under scrutiny?
Vandals at it again
PayPal problem
Cousins and in-laws (continued)
It's official! Cheshire records at findmypast
The 'lost cousins' under your nose
Family Historian v5 announced
Genealogists for Families
04 November 2011
More ink, vicar?
Save when you join the Society of Genealogists
Exclusive findmypast.co.uk discount
Essex parish records at FamilySearch
Records of military nurses now online
Was your ancestor an inventor?
Copyright - or copy wrong?
Standards for sharing information
Top genealogy shows in 2012
When is a father-in-law not a father-in-law?
Ripper story features in TV show
Can you really buy a NEW Kindle for only £79?
Don't forget FamilySearch!
International Genealogical Index
IGI Batch Numbers
An ideal Christmas present?
22 October 2011
3.5 million Irish prison records online
Warwickshire parish registers online
Cheshire registers coming soon?
Beyond 2011 - the future of the census
Marriage Finder tool
35 million parish records at Genes Reunited
Canadian Home Children
Do you have two birthdays?
Coming of age in Samoa
Life expectancy (continued)
GRO indexes no longer at LMA
Controversy over online trees
Privacy and Data Protection
How safe are online trees?
Is there such a thing as a half-cousin?
Anne shows the way forward
More Ripper coincidences
08 October 2011
Another cemetery scandal
Ancestry.co.uk offer free searches
Irish Genealogy adds more free records
First Scottish censuses at findmypast
The importance of collateral lines
Tracing collateral lines
Volunteers sought by the National Archives
Do you have German ancestors?
Pauper Lives in Georgian London
Free lectures on London history
Berkshire parish records online
Life expectancy in earlier centuries
Australian Navy Lists
Historical connections
Looking for help?
A cautionary tale
Talk about coincidences!
24 September 2011
Last chance to take advantage of exclusive offers
Ancestry charge for access to free Irish records!
Manchester records now at findmypast
Scottish censuses coming soon?
Be careful what you bookmark
Genes Reunited offering 10% discount
Your cousins need YOU!
Lies, damned lies, and statistics
Your chance to tell the GRO what you really think
Who do they think they are?
Closed railway stations
Ripping yarns
Calculating relationships
Is baldness inherited?
Are we still benefiting from post-war rationing?
Finding cousins using Google
Where there's a will...
Upcoming events at the Society of Genealogists
Organising your research
09 September 2011
EXTRA savings at findmypast EXCLUSIVE
Are e-petitions the answer?
Where did they marry (continued)?
Cemetery scandal - shocking photos
Deceased Online offers double credits EXCLUSIVE
Court records to be digitised
Merchant Navy records online now!
More crew lists online
Find your railway ancestors
Free searches at Ancestry
Take control of your searches
Check before you visit!
The ups and downs of DNA
Why do we get happier as we get older?
27 August 2011
New-look findmypast cuts subs
Apprenticeship records
Free access to immigration records
Cemetery scandal - time for change?
Reclaiming your ancestors' graves
Burial records online
Australian military records
Convict records free online
Presumed dead?
Family history courses
How to save at GenesReunited
Do you have Scottish ancestors?
Essex Ancestors - launch delayed
16 August 2011
Cemetery scandal in east London
Essex Record Office to launch subscription service
Where did they marry?
TV companies seek help
WDYTYA continues to work its magic
Help us find new members
The future of the census?
74 years of marriage - and counting!
National Archives lose priceless documents
Have you discovered the BBC online archive?
The Genealogist adds Australian records
Transportation of convicts
'Digital Microfilm' from TNA
Wills and probate
Are twins good for you?
LostCousins is free until the end of August
28 July 2011
FamilySearch adds more parish records
More Hearth Tax records free online
War Graves Photographic Project
County archives online
Access to Archives (A2A)
Are you fooling around?
Make the most of libraries
Post Office employment records
If at first you don't succeed...
Free 1911 census searches
Last chance to save 15%
Do you mind paying for free information?
Bow match workers strike
Have you tried...
15 July 2011
National Archives Summer Sale
Exclusive findmypast discount
Searching the census by address
More 1911 tips
Celebrating the Census
Households on the same census page
Parish registers and directories
Register surprise
The War Graves Photographic Project
Sandhurst records online
1861 Worldwide Army Index
New! Your personal home page
A tale of two cousins
Jam tomorrow?
Seeing red over Orange
03 July 2011
Ancestry add West Yorkshire registers
Militia records at findmypast
Dad's Army records to go online?
National Archives User Advisory Group
Black Sheep Index updated
Tracing Your East End Ancestors
The Genealogist
Distant cousins
Anne takes her tree back to 1521
Unusual census entries - update
Limited free access to the 1911 Census
Still tracing relatives after 1911
Are you receiving my emails?
19 June 2011
Childhood memories
Wills and probate records
New death index search pays dividends
Medals for 90 year-old woman
Family history on the Kindle
Competition entries flooding in
Unusual census entries
Wrong name on the census?
Dorset records - update
Identifying relatives in photos (continued)
Dutch records free online
Findmypast gets TV series
Is there a Doctor in the house?
Fancy a Twitter?
06 June 2011
1911 Census takes second place
Who is the most interesting person in your family tree?
Lincolnshire registers online
Ancestry launch Dorset records
How to complain
FamilyRelatives and the Advertising Standards Authority
Cheap Ancestry subscriptions
London Probate Index at findmypast
South African records online
New Zealand census - new date set
Searching for family history using Google
FamilySearch reinstates batch numbers
County boundaries in the census
Tracing relatives after 1911
Identifying relatives in photographs
Solved- after 49 years!
21 May 2011
Problem solved!
The most comprehensive death indexes
Masterclass: Extending your tree beyond 1911
Researching children in family history
Nick is the new president!
How accurate was the 2011 Census?
Canadian census disclosure option
The mystery of the missing will
My first experience of spam
Low key launch for new Irish site
Tracing 'Ag Labs'
Hearth Tax returns online
Posting family trees on the Internet
The personal touch
Have you tried…
29 April 2011
Why is it called My Ancestors?
Fully transcribed death indexes at findmypast
Save 15% on findmypast subscriptions!
Blank census forms
New Zealand census cancelled
Can we look forward to loyalty card censuses?
Leaving a digital legacy
Liverpool parish registers online
No Wills?
Middleton register entries
Family tree programs
Dick Whittington and his library
Research before parish registers
Correcting transcription errors
Did your ancestor run a pub?
16 April 2011
Totally free access for Easter
Scotland 1911 launches
New free site connects British records
Are there any black sheep in your family?
The real Eliza Doolittle - a LostCousins exclusive
Changing your name by Deed Poll
Interesting radio and TV programmes
Are you related to the future Queen?
Forgotten Voices
Local history recorders
County name indexes
Over 1 million Cambridgeshire records online
02 April 2011
Thank you
Would you write your own obituary?
DNA sequencing cost tumbles
British Library holds census exhibition
Newspapers online
Overseas births and marriages fully indexed
Membership reaches 85,000
Information and misinformation
New BBC series not to be sniffed at
Do you remember Pathé News?
Adding sound to cine footage
Identifying family photographs
Hampshire parish registers
Unclaimed court funds
How you can help your cousins
Peter's tips
21 March 2011
Tracing Your Roots census special
Preserving the 2011 Census
Behind the scenes at the census
Changes at the National Archives
Cheap or free access to Ancestry
Can you save on a findmypast subscription?
Free credits for Scotlandspeople
Scotland 1911 release is imminent!
Strange but true
New FamilySearch
The rise and fall of Private Butwell
World War 1 identity cards
Australian military records free online
Someone stole Rachel's family tree
House History
GRO or UKBMD - which is best?
Life after death
Obituary - Dennis Howard Calver
03 March 2011
Searching for Miss Wright
Photograph your heirlooms
Weddings since 1840 - a photo archive
Great War photo hoard discovered
Get ready for the 2011 Census
But is it enough information?
FamilySearch want your opinion
Findmypast to offer historic electoral rolls
New opportunities on the horizon
Looking for people with the same surname?
A rose by any other name…
Choosing between Ancestry and findmypast (continued)
How to save on an Ancestry subscription
How not to save on certificates
Findmypast discount offer ends on Sunday
Ireland censuses and parish records
What am I reading?
London maps online
Society of Genealogists Open Day
19 February 2011
Stash in the attic
Wildcards - the key to successful searches
Save 15% on findmypast subscriptions
Choosing between Ancestry and findmypast
I came, I saw, I googled
The poor of London
Essex libraries offer answers
How will cutbacks affect researchers?
Free parking at the National Archives
Have you kept your New Year resolutions?
Who will take over your research?
Remember the living
Are your cousins struggling to find you?
Memories of wartime Britain
Forest fire quenched
A frog in the throat
Using the 'Historical Research' category
05 February 2011
New problems with Ancestry's search?
FreeBMD vs Ancestry
Over 11 million new records at findmypast
Can you be your own cousin?
Can't see the wood for the trees?
Green wood
Hearth Tax Online
Are you reading this by candle light?
Internet Explorer: new security flaw uncovered
Understanding Copyright & the Data Protection Act
Scottish directories free online
Corrections and updates
Errors on certificates (continued)
The 1953 floods
Have you tried.....
23 January 2011
The price of leaving it too late
One member's viewpoint
Serial killer's DNA sought
30-year embargo cut to 20 years
Do you have Scottish ancestry?
Free information from the Electoral Roll
Getting the most from FreeBMD
Family history is good for you!
International Reply Coupons to expire
How to send money overseas
Facebook security scare
Is findmypast's loss your gain?
Me and Robbie Burns
How reliable are certificates?
Is it legal to photocopy certificates?
We're number 2 so we try harder!
08 January 2011
How to get free BMD information
Is FreeBMD getting it right?
Remembering Traceline
Using the Electoral Roll
Masterclass: finding birth certificates
Multiple births in the 19th century
Will you live to 1000?
Census jobs - in New Zealand
Findmypast takes over SoG online collection
Record delays for probate documents
Make contact with your cousins whilst you have the chance
Soldier's nephew traced after 95 years