Are you serious about researching your family tree, but concerned about posting information online? If so, you've come to the right place, because LostCousins is the ONLY family history website able to match you with others researching the same ancestors


Simply enter the relatives on your family tree who were recorded in selected US, Canadian, British, or Irish Censuses - then click the Search button.

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100% accurate automated matching means that nobody else needs to see your information - yet when you do find a 'lost cousin', you can be certain you're related!

Achieving such results requires a little more effort upfront, but it's well worth it - the accuracy of the LostCousins system SAVES you a lot of time and hassle compared to other sites.

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When you find a 'lost cousin' it's a great opportunity to share family photos and stories that have been passed down the generations - things you'll never find in public record offices and archives. But perhaps the biggest benefits come when you collaborate with your cousins to knock down the 'brick walls' that you share.

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James Shipley 1849-1920
Ann Roberts c1855-

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